Front-end Framework + Build Toolkit
Performance focused, scalable and modular front-end framework for faster web development. It feature Modern CSS through PostCSS, ES6 Javascript and a build process toolkit.
Open-source MIT Licensed. Github v0.1 BetaQuick Start Use tomorrow’s CSS today!
Soupee uses NPM, and Gulp 4. Enjoy Modern CSS, CSS custom properties, CSS nesting, and media query range and simple grid system.
$ npm install
Build Commands Available processes
dev watch process
npm run dev
will run the default development task that processes
source files. While this process is running, source files will be watched
for changes and the BrowserSync server will run. This process is optimized
for speed so you can iterate quickly.
$ npm run dev
dev build process
npm run build
processes source files one-time. It does not
watch for changes nor start the BrowserSync server.
$ npm run build
production bundle process
npm run bundle
generates a production ready theme as a new
theme directory and, optionally, a .zip archive. This builds all source
files, optimizes the built files for production, does a string replacement
and runs translations. Non-essential files from the wp-rig development
theme are not copied to the production theme.
$ npm run bundle
zip archive
To bundle the theme without creating a zip archive, define the export:compress
setting in ./config/config.json
to false
export: {
compress: false